$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 tableName, OpenLayers.Protocol.SQL
 target, OpenLayers.Events.buttonclick
 TARGET_NODE, OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack
 targetFilter, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 targetSize, OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
 template, OpenLayers.Control.Attribution
 termsOfUse, OpenLayers.Layer.Google
 testTarget, OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
 textRoot, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
 theme, OpenLayers.Map
 thousandsSeparator, OpenLayers.Number
 tierImageSize, OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify
 tierSizeInTiles, OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify
 Tile, OpenLayers.Tile.OpenLayers
 TILE_HEIGHT, OpenLayers.Map
 TILE_PARAMS, OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide
 TILE_WIDTH, OpenLayers.Map
 tileCache, OpenLayers.TileManager
 TileCache, OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache.OpenLayers.Layer
 tileCacheIndex, OpenLayers.TileManager
 tileCountUpToTier, OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify
 tileFullExtent, OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS
 tileManager, OpenLayers.Map
 TileManager, OpenLayers.TileManager.OpenLayers
 tileQueue, OpenLayers.TileManager
 tileQueueId, OpenLayers.TileManager
 tilesPerFrame, OpenLayers.TileManager
 timeEnd, OpenLayers.Console
 timeoutId, OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
 titleRegEx, OpenLayers.Projection
 TMS, OpenLayers.Layer.TMS.OpenLayers.Layer
 toArray, OpenLayers.Bounds
 toBBOX, OpenLayers.Bounds
 toFeatures, OpenLayers.WPSProcess
 toFloat, Util
 toGeometry, OpenLayers.Bounds
 toggleClass, OpenLayers.Element
 toggleSelect, OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature
 toISOString, OpenLayers.Date
 tokenRegEx, OpenLayers.String
 tolerance, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 top, OpenLayers.Bounds
 topInUnits, OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine
 topOutUnits, OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine
 toState, OpenLayers.Feature.Vector
 touch, OpenLayers.Handler
 TouchNavigation, OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation.OpenLayers.Control
 trace, OpenLayers.Console
 trackAttributes, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 transformFeature, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
 TransformFeature, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature.OpenLayers.Control
 transforms, OpenLayers.Projection
 transitionEffect, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 transitionendEvents, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 translationParameters, OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG
 triggerCallback, OpenLayers.Handler.Feature
 triggerGetFeatureInfo, OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 triggerRead, OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX
 triggerSave, OpenLayers.Strategy.Save
 True, OpenLayers.Function
 Try, Util
 Tween, OpenLayers.Tween.OpenLayers
 TYPE_BUTTON, OpenLayers.Control.OpenLayers.Control
 TYPE_TOGGLE, OpenLayers.Control.OpenLayers.Control
 TYPE_TOOL, OpenLayers.Control.OpenLayers.Control
 typeOfFid, OpenLayers.Protocol.SQL.Gears
Name of the database table into which Features should be saved.
{OpenLayers.Events} The events instance that the buttonclick event will be triggered on.
{Number} value for OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.dataFrom and OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.styleFrom
{OpenLayers.Filter} Optional filter that will be evaluated to determine if a feature from the target layer is eligible for splitting.
{Integer} The maximum size of the grid in pixels on the map
{String} Template for the attribution.
{DOMElement} Div for Google’s copyright and terms of use link
testTarget: function(target,
Create a new parser for TSV Text.
Create a text layer.
Create a symbolizer for rendering text labels.
{String} Relative path to a CSS file from which to load theme styles.
Thousands separator to use when formatting numbers.
In most cases changing the threshold isn’t needed.
{Integer} Optional threshold below which original features will be added to the layer instead of clusters.
{Array(OpenLayers.Size)} Image size in pixels for each pyramid tier.
{Array(OpenLayers.Size)} Size (in tiles) for each tier of pyramid.
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Tile instance.
{Integer} 256 Default tile height (unless otherwise specified)
{Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs for tiled layer
{Integer} 256 Default tile width (unless otherwise specified)
{Object} Cached image elements, keyed by URL.
Create a new read only TileCache layer.
{Array(String)} URLs of cached tiles.
{OpenLayers.Tile} The tile class to use for this layer.
{OpenLayers.Tile} The tile class to use for this layer.
{Array(Integer)} Number of tiles up to the given tier of pyramid.
{OpenLayers.Bounds} The full extent of the tile set.
{<OpenLayers.TileManager>|Object} By default, and if the build contains TileManager.js, the map will use the TileManager to queue image requests and to cache tile image elements.
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.TileManager instance.
{Object} optional configuration options for OpenLayers.Tile instances created by this Layer.
{Object} optional configuration options for OpenLayers.Tile instances created by this Layer, if supported by the tile class.
{Object} optional configuration options for OpenLayers.Tile instances created by this Layer.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} The location of the tile origin for the cache.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} Optional origin for aligning the grid of tiles.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} Optional origin for aligning the grid of tiles.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} The top-left corner of the tile matrix in map units.
{String} If the tileOrigin property is not provided, the tile origin will be derived from the layer’s maxExtent.
{String} MapGuide tile server uses top-left as tile origin
{String} This layer uses top-left as tile origin
{Object(Array(OpenLayers.Tile))} Tiles queued for drawing, keyed by map id.
{Object} The ids of the drawTilesFromQueue loop, keyed by map id.
{OpenLayers.Size} This size of each tile.
{OpenLayers.Size} Set in the map options to override the default tile size for this map.
{Number} Number of queued tiles to load per frame (see frameDelay).
time: function()
Creates a new timer under the given name.
{int} Step counter
timeEnd: function()
Stops a timer created by a call to OpenLayers.Console.time(name) and writes the time elapsed.
{String} The id of the timeout used for the mousedown interval.
{Number} The id of the timer.
{Number} The id of the timer.
ID of the timer.
{Number} The id of the timeout waiting to clear the delayedCall.
{Integer} The timer used to test the double touch.
{string} This property is used for showing a tooltip over the Control.
{String} Title of this rule (set if included in SLD)
{String} Title of this style (set if included in SLD)
{String} Title of this style.
{RegExp} regular expression to strip the title from a proj4js definition
toArray: function(reverseAxisOrder)
Returns an array representation of the bounds object.
Returns a boundingbox-string representation of the bounds object.
toContext: function(obj)
Create a context object free from layer given a map or a context object.
toContext: function(obj)
Create a context object free from layer given a map or a context object.
toFeatures: function(source)
Converts spatial input into features so it can be processed by OpenLayers.Format instances.
OpenLayers.Util.toFloat = function (number,
Convenience method to cast an object to a Number, rounded to the desired floating point precision.
toGeometry: function()
Create a new polygon geometry based on this bounds.
{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
toggle: function()
Toggle the visibility of element(s) passed in
toggle: function()
Toggles visibility of the popup.
toggleClass: function(element,
Remove a CSS class name from an element if it exists.
{String} An event modifier (‘altKey’ or ‘shiftKey’) that temporarily sets the toggle property to true.
{String} An event modifier (‘altKey’ or ‘shiftKey’) that temporarily sets the toggle property to true.
toggleSelect: function()
Event should toggle the selected state of a feature based on toggle property and toggleKey event modifier.
Generates a string representing a date.
Used to find tokens in a string.
{Number} Distance between the calculated intersection and a vertex on the source geometry below which the existing vertex will be used for the split.
{Number} Maximum vertical coordinate.
{String} Units for zoomed in on top bar.
{String} Units for zoomed out on top bar.
toShortString: function()
{String} Shortened String representation of Point object.
{String} Shortened String representation of OpenLayers.LonLat object.
toState: function(state)
Sets the new state
Returns a string representation of the bounds object.
toString: function()
{String} Include OpenLayers.Format.CQL in your build to get a CQL representation of the filter returned.
toString: function()
Returns a text representation of the geometry.
Return a readable string version of the lonlat
Cast this object into a string
toString: function()
Convert projection to string (getCode wrapper).
Return the string representation of a size object
{Boolean} Indicates the support of touch events.
touchend: function(evt)
Correctly set event xy property, and add lastTouches to have touches property from last touchstart or touchmove
touchend: function(evt)
Handle touchend events
touchend: function(evt)
Handle touchend events
touchend: function(evt)
Handle touchend.
touchmove: function(evt)
Store position of last move, because touchend event can have an empty “touches” property.
touchmove: function(evt)
Handle touchmove events
touchmove: function(evt)
Handle touchmove events.
touchmove: function(evt)
Handle touchmove events
touchmove: function(evt)
Handle touchmove.
Create a new navigation control
touchstart: function(evt)
Handle touchstart.
touchstart: function(evt)
Handle touchstart events
touchstart: function(evt)
Handle touchstart events
touchstart: function(evt)
handle touchstart.
touchstart: function(evt)
Handle touchstart events
touchstart: function(evt)
Handle touchstart.
trace: function()
Prints an interactive stack trace of JavaScript execution at the point where it is called.
{Array} If extractTracks is true, points within gx:Track elements will be parsed as features with when, heading, tilt, and roll attributes.
transform: function(source,
Transform the Bounds object from source to dest.
transform: function(source,
Reproject the components geometry from source to dest.
transform: function(source,
Reproject the components geometry from source to dest.
transform: function(source,
Translate the x,y properties of the point from source to dest.
transform: function(source,
Transform the LonLat object from source to dest.
OpenLayers.Projection.transform = function(point,
Transform a point coordinate from one projection to another.
transformFeature: function(mods)
Transforms the feature.
Create a new transform feature control.
{Object} Transforms is an object, with from properties, each of which may have a to property.
{String} The transition effect to use when the map is zoomed.
{Array} Event names for transitionend
translate: function(key,
Looks up a key from a dictionary based on the current language string.
translate: function(x,
Transforms the SVG coordinate system
{Object} Hash with “x” and “y” properties
trigger: function()
Called by a control panel when the button is clicked.
trigger: function()
trigger: function()
trigger: function()
trigger: function()
Called whenever this control is being rendered inside of a panel and a click occurs on this controls element.
triggerCallback: function(type,
Call the callback keyed in the event map with the supplied arguments.
triggerEvent: function (type,
Trigger a specified registered event.
triggerEvent: function(type,
Determines where to trigger the event and triggers it.
triggerGetFeatureInfo: function(request,
Trigger the getfeatureinfo event when all is done
triggerRead: function(options)
triggerSave: function(event)
Registered as a listener.
trim: function(str)
Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from a string.
True : function()
A simple function to that just does “return true”.
OpenLayers.Util.Try = function()
Execute functions until one of them doesn’t throw an error.
Creates a Tween.
{String} Image type for the layer.
{Number} Controls can have a ‘type’.
{Integer} OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON.
{String} Note that this control is not intended to be added directly to a control panel.
{String} type: type of the comparison.
{String} Type to identify this filter.
{String} Type of spatial filter.
{String} The layer identifier.
{String} The format extension corresponding to the requested tile image type.
{String} The type of the feature identifier, either “number” or “string”, defaults to “string”.