
The OpenLayers object provides a namespace for all things OpenLayers

OpenLayersThe OpenLayers object provides a namespace for all things OpenLayers
_getScriptLocationReturn the path to this script.
ImgPath{String} Set this to the path where control images are stored, a path given here must end with a slash.
VERSION_NUMBERThis constant identifies the version of OpenLayers.



Return the path to this script.  This is also implemented in OpenLayers/SingleFile.js


{String} Path to this script



{String} Set this to the path where control images are stored, a path given here must end with a slash.  If set to ‘’ (which is the default) OpenLayers will use its script location + “img/”.

You will need to set this property when you have a singlefile build of OpenLayers that either is not named “OpenLayers.js” or if you move the file in a way such that the image directory cannot be derived from the script location.

If your custom OpenLayers build is named “my-custom-ol.js” and the images of OpenLayers are in a folder “/resources/external/images/ol” a correct way of including OpenLayers in your HTML would be:

<script src="/path/to/my-custom-ol.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
   // tell OpenLayers where the control images are
   // remember the trailing slash
   OpenLayers.ImgPath = "/resources/external/images/ol/";

Please remember that when your OpenLayers script is not named “OpenLayers.js” you will have to make sure that the default theme is loaded into the page by including an appropriate <link>-tag, e.g.:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/default/style.css"  type="text/css">



This constant identifies the version of OpenLayers.

When asking questions or reporting issues, make sure to include the output of OpenLayers.VERSION_NUMBER in the question or issue-description.
