Recalculate the bounds for the geometry.
calculateBounds: function()
Recalculate the bounds by iterating through the components and calling calling extendBounds() on each item.
calculateBounds: function()
{Boolean} The layer is displayable at the current map’s current resolution.
calculateInRange: function()
Function to be called when a mouse event corresponds with a location that includes data in one of the configured UTFGrid layers.
callback: function( infoLookup )
Camel-case a hyphenated string.
camelize: function( str )
Cancel the current sketch.
cancel: function()
Stop the control from measuring.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
cancel: function()
Clear history.
clear: function()
clear: function()
Clear any rendered features on the temporary layer.
clear: function()
Clears all tiles cached with OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite from the cache.
OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.clearCache = function()
Clear cached data about the mouse position.
clearMouseCache: function()
Returns an exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache
clone: function ( obj )
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Create a clone of this geometry.
clone: function()
Clone this geometry.
clone: function()
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Geometry.Point
clone: function( obj )
clone: function( obj )
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
Create a complete copy of this layer.
clone: function ( obj )
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function( obj )
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
{OpenLayers.LonLat} New OpenLayers.LonLat object with the same lon and lat values
Return a clone of this pixel object
Clones this rule.
clone: function()
Create a clone of this size object
Clones this style.
clone: function()
Clones this style.
clone: function()
Create a copy of this symbolizer.
clone: function()
Write out the data to a WFS server.
commit: function()
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commit: function()
Iterate over each feature and take action based on the feature state.
commit: function( features, options )
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commit: function( features, options )
Called with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter.
commitReport: function( string, response )
Computes the distance between two LonLats.
OpenLayers.Spherical.computeDistanceBetween = function( from, to, radius )
Computes the heading from one LonLat to another LonLat.
OpenLayers.Spherical.computeHeading = function( from, to )
concatChildValues: function( node, def )
Configure the process, but do not execute it.
configure: function( options )
Returns whether the bounds object contains the given x and y.
contains:function( x, y, inclusive )
Test whether a string contains another string.
contains: function( str, sub )
Returns whether the bounds object contains the given OpenLayers.Bounds.
containsBounds:function( bounds, partial, inclusive )
Returns whether the bounds object contains the given OpenLayers.LonLat.
containsLonLat: function( ll, options )
Returns whether the bounds object contains the given OpenLayers.Pixel.
containsPixel:function( px, inclusive )
Determine the content type for a given node.
contentType: function( node )
Writes the number of times that the line of code where count was called was executed.
count: function()
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function()
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function( features, options )
Create new features into the database.
create: function( features, options )
This function just creates a div for the control.
createControlMarkup: function( control )
Create a document fragment node that can be appended to another node created by createElementNS.
createDocumentFragment: function()
Create a new element with namespace.
createElementNS: function( uri, name )
Create a WMTS layer given a capabilities object.
createLayer: function( capabilities, config )
Creates the parameters that need to be encoded into the permalink url.
createParams: function( center, zoom, layers )
Create a regular polygon around a radius.
OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon = function( origin, radius, sides, rotation )
Create a text node.
createTextNode: function( text )
Detect which property is used for a CSS property
function css( property )