
The ZoomBox control enables zooming directly to a given extent, by drawing a box on the map.  The box is drawn by holding down shift, whilst dragging the mouse.

Inherits from

OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBoxThe ZoomBox control enables zooming directly to a given extent, by drawing a box on the map.
keyMask{Integer} Zoom only occurs if the keyMask matches the combination of keys down.
alwaysZoom{Boolean} Always zoom in/out when box drawn, even if the zoom level does not change.
zoomOnClick{Boolean} Should we zoom when no box was dragged, i.e.



{Integer} Zoom only occurs if the keyMask matches the combination of keys down.  Use bitwise operators and one or more of the OpenLayers.Handler constants to construct a keyMask.  Leave null if not used mask.  Default is null.


{Boolean} Always zoom in/out when box drawn, even if the zoom level does not change.


{Boolean} Should we zoom when no box was dragged, i.e. the user only clicked?  Default is true.

Controls affect the display or behavior of the map.
Base class to construct a higher-level handler for event sequences.